I’ve been revising something wicked for my upcoming exams. There are some very useful resources on the web, including the Virtual Labs from Microsoft, demonstrating new features in SQL Server 2012.

I was also shocked by the number of “braindump” sites, and even more shocking (but somehow not surprising, given that I come from a country known for corruption), people who will sit your exams for you.

Since I have morals, I’m going to sit the exams myself, and study properly for them. Given that I have been on SQLskills.com training, I feel that my understanding of how SQL Server works internally, will give me some insight into the more tricky questions.

I’ve also read from some people that these are “typical” Microsoft exams. In 1998 when I did my MCSE, we were warned about the so-called “Microsoft way” when answering a question: there’s the right way, the wrong way, and the Microsoft way. It’s always best to choose the latter.

Pass marks for all exams seem to be 700/1000, which is a good sign in some respects, but it also implies a lower barrier to entry.

I’m confident about my chances, but I don’t want to fall into the trap of hubris. My confidence is only as a result of putting in the preparation.

Monday is the first one.

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