This is a formal apology to my students of 2005. I made the claim based on research (i.e. I found it on a website) that glass is an extremely viscous liquid, which evidence can be found in old buildings where the glass is thicker at the bottom than the top. Given enough time, it would end up in a puddle.
I was wrong, because now it appears that glass is simply an amorphous solid with an observational viscocity approaching 10 ^ 32 years. In other words, it’s not really a solid or a liquid – it’s closer to solid than liquid, and all those old glass windows are actually thicker at the bottom because that’s how they were made. Then again, have you ever looked up what “amorphous solid” means?
There, happy now?
*oooooo* lookie … style change 🙂
Um … with above … close borders let them kill each other off – then open for a flush … then let the chinese have the country so we can get cheaper playstations