"We live in a free world", sang Ace of Base, but the truth is that we're facing global annihilation. The latest outbreak of E.coli infections is just a simple example of how pitiful our existence really is. Someone crapped in some spinach, it got out, and people are dying from E.coli.
Now the World Health Organisation (WHO) has reversed a ban on DDT (para-dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane – yes, I know that off the top of my head) to combat malaria.
Add to this the recent outbreak of drug-resistant tuberculosis in South Africa, plus the resident HIV/AIDS pandemic and crime's upward spiral.
Basically, we're screwed.
Now to top it all off, someone farted in space and it almost doomed the International Space Station.
In the meantime, I'll just live with my fiance and grow old with him, knowing that someone loves me. That's all that matters. That, and chocolate.
mmmmmmmmmmmmmm 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510
Who needs Chocolate 😉
Yes, but that's lame. How about 100 decimal places! Or 10 000! 50 is so last Tuesday.
DDT was "unbanned" quite a while ago. SA has been using it for a few years to eradicate Plasmodium falciparum mosquitoes – remember my little trip to the bundus, well I experienced a training session in mosquito spraying first hand.
Secondly, the "new" TB strain is anything but new. It's been around for a number of years, the press only got hold of this info now, and are, as usual, completely blowing things out of proportion!
I love you – more than you love chocolate!