I've been completely idiotic today.
Before my exam, I wanted to drink some Coke because I was thirsty, so I took the bottle out the fridge, and when it opened, about a glassful ended on the floor.
On the way to my exam, I took a "shortcut" that ended up being a longer trip than the normal route.
On the way back home, I missed the road I normally take and ended up on Beyers Naude and had to turn back.
In the meantime, I entered the latest competition on Highveld Stereo, got home in time to listen to the radio, then forgot to turn it on.
Two SMSes later (thanks Chris and mother dearest), I phoned in and was the third caller out of three, so I missed out on the R1000, but at least I'm in the draw.
Talk about idiocy. I should be more focused.