My last exam is Criminology, which I write tomorrow morning. Then I will spend the rest of the day writing a script for work, for an industrial theatre piece our team is putting on next week.

I've also finished setting up a server at my new service provider. qmail, Apache, MySQL, and a few other cool things have been set up, as well as a full backup solution (backup2l rocks!).

Once the necessary notice period has been granted, I will transfer all 25 domains to the new box, hopefully with spectacularly few problems. Most of the sites currently don't need any tweaking for the different platform (I'm moving from Red Hat to Debian), but this one is an exception, so I will be doing full testing in the interim.

In other news, we're moving to Linden in the next month, to be closer to the hospital where Marinus is devoting the next two years of his life.

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