Is 1711 a large number of hits on a personal website with an obscure URL that has only been live since June 2003? I started the counter at 8000, being the approximate number of hits since I launched my original website, Randolph’s Delusions of Grandeur, in October 1995. It then became Topkapi’s Playroom for a long time, and finally Quantum Resonance. What scares me silly is that some of the original words are still on the current incarnation!

In 80 days from now, my website will be 3000 days old. In 2 days from now though, it will be 8 years old. Unfortunately, the address has not been consistent for many of those days, so I guess that puts a bit of a damper on things. I’ve listed the URLs my site has been located at, in the hopes that the odd search engine might finally match up the stragglers.


I originally wanted to post something profound this morning, but I forgot what it was that I wanted to say, hence the ramblings above. Go figure!

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