NCANE.COM flirted briefly with 3000 active redirected URLs today before I cleaned up the database, recycled old unused links (six months old and zero hit count gets a redirect reused), and banned another few IP address ranges and domains.

I'm considering a dynamic link into one of the big spam detector sites, so that I can ban that sort of nonsense on the fly. I'll look into it in the next few weeks.

I have started studying / working on my assignments for my degree. I have five assignments due by 7 April 2007, so it's time to get down and dirty. As a result, I've put my acting on hold. Franklin Players just had their AGM and I did not run for committee this year.

One Reply to “3000 URLs … sort of …”

  1. So, while you're noodling about with this toy of yours, how about *finally* coding the Firefox extension so I can use it instead of the tinyurl one I use now? ๐Ÿ˜› To get you started, this should help.. ๐Ÿ˜‰

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