Right, I'm about halfway through my Simple PHP Blog to WordPress converter and it's looking good!

I am at the point where I can convert each file into a WP post (in a generic list). Working on comments next. Last will be the SQL script.

For it to work, you will need to download your "content" folder to a local drive. The C# app is pointed at the content folder, and is able to unzip the files if you have enabled compression, read out the contents of the blog entry, and populate the necessary equivalent entities in the WordPress structure (which is as far as I am now).

When it's finished, it will generate a single SQL script to run against a standard WordPress MySQL database to populate the appropriate tables.

Some stats: I can unzip, parse and convert 850 blog entries in around 3 seconds. I expect the SQL script generation will be even quicker than that, since all the blog entries are in a generic list.

Note to self: don't forget the images.

If I ever feel the need, I'll do a PHP version to run on the site. However, I do not feel the need at the moment. I'll probably release the code into the public domain for your enjoyment.

One Reply to “Simple PHP Blog to WordPress Converter”

  1. i'm trying to convert a simplephpblog into wordpress, but only know php (not perl or python). Can you expand on how you did it?

    THanks much.

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