Waiting Game

It's past home-time, and here I sit at the office, waiting for 6pm so that I can go and visit my better half. Who knew five weeks would fly past so quickly, and I'd be so lonely yet again. My cell phone bill went DOWN when I was overseas with this person, because I didn't have to phone so often just to hear such a wonderful voice (*Yeah yeah, I can hear you all gagging – I'll stop now*).

Say what?

So explain to me how this works … the doofus who screwed up the company (my day job) got fired, and everyone he identified for retrenchment kept their jobs, because he wasn't allowed to retrench them. So that's fine, I keep my job. Then when the new boss comes in yesterday, she promotes me. So now I'm full IT Manager, senior staff member, etc etc. It's a mixed feeling, because nobody knows if the company will make it.


In approximately 18 hours, I will be jetting off to Europe on board an Olympic Airways Airbus, destination Athens. Which means that this is my last posting on this site for a while. I’d like to thank my … no wait, that’s my Oscar acceptance speech. Anyway, see you around.