Update: Richard Hammond from Top Gear
A hospital spokesperson says that Top Gear presenter Richard Hammond's brain injury is significant.
Officially disguised as a Canadian
A hospital spokesperson says that Top Gear presenter Richard Hammond's brain injury is significant.
Yes, I've set another record. My blog reached 50 000 words in the last entry, which means I've written over five thousand words in 18 days (9 days of actual entries). I really *should* get that book finished!
Someone in government is paying attention (see related link).
My name is “Randolph”. To the people who still insist on calling me “Rudolf”, “Randolf” and “Rudolph” (despite having my name clearly written out for them in emails and letters), how about if I called you “Obliviot“? Saying it’s “close enough” is bollocks, and shows lack of respect on your part. Blaming it on spell-checkersContinue reading My name
There's a road that links Johannesburg with Pretoria, called the N1. It also connects Johannesburg with Cape Town, but the Pretoria link is the critical one, which I will examine today.
Top Gear presenter Richard Hammond was involved in a serious accident after trying to break the British land speed record in a jet-powered car.
20 September 2006
Jacob Zuma is a free man, after Judge Herbert Msimang struck the corruption trial from the roll today. I wonder what sort of hat President Mbeki will be having for lunch?
Seems I'm not the only one who is sick of the crime problem. Journalist Tim Modise (see related link) is also getting annoyed. Incidentally, my mother and her neighbour were targets of crime last week – my dog didn't even bark as five motor vehicles were broken into and radios stolen or ignitions damaged.
A man has rejected his donated member for psychological reasons. Apparently (see related link), he and his wife just couldn't accept the transplanted penis, even though it was working well enough.