70-464 – Developing Microsoft SQL Server Databases

I’ve just finished writing 70-464. As I commented at the end, I found the overall quality of the exam lower than the first three I wrote. Owing to the non-disclosure I sign for every one, I can’t talk about specifics, but there were numerous typos, product references were wrong, and in some cases, I readContinue reading 70-464 – Developing Microsoft SQL Server Databases

70-462 – Administering Microsoft SQL Server 2012

I wrote and passed this exam yesterday and I enjoyed it more than the first one. I think this has more to do with knowing what to expect from the type of questions, as opposed to the questions themselves. I will reserve comment on what I thought of the questions, due in part to theContinue reading 70-462 – Administering Microsoft SQL Server 2012

Revision for SQL Server 2012 Exams

I’ve been revising something wicked for my upcoming exams. There are some very useful resources on the web, including the Virtual Labs from Microsoft, demonstrating new features in SQL Server 2012. I was also shocked by the number of “braindump” sites, and even more shocking (but somehow not surprising, given that I come from aContinue reading Revision for SQL Server 2012 Exams

Where do I start with a Run Book?

On SuperUser.com, a question came up about how to do a proper Linux backup, including the applications installed, and associated configurations. In light of a previous post I wrote about backups and run books, I thought this would be useful information to share. I answered with a link to the original run book I haveContinue reading Where do I start with a Run Book?

On the importance of good backups

I’ve been vocal for some years about the importance of backups, and I have zero sympathy for anyone who does not have good backups*. This comes with (very) painful experience: a few years ago, during the migration of data from several drives to my new computer at the time, I lost the drive everything wasContinue reading On the importance of good backups

Adventures in @BlobEater, sp_WhoIsActive and DBCC CHECKDB

The latest version of sp_WhoIsActive (and apparently last for SQL Server 2005/2008, according to Adam Machanic), was released a week ago. Yesterday, out of curiosity piqued by my recent three-week SQLskills training, I decided to run sp_WhoIsActive while doing a DBCC CHECKDB on a moderately large database (mainly because it takes longer, so it’s easierContinue reading Adventures in @BlobEater, sp_WhoIsActive and DBCC CHECKDB