I work with a software engineer who was born in Bulgaria. I say it this way, as he took offence once when I referred to him as “the Bulgarian”. Anyway, we have created a tradition of having lunch together quite often, and during these lunches, we discuss many and varied topics of conversation.

We have a very small selection of eating establishments from which to choose, owing to the walking distance from our place of employ. One of these seems to attract the natural force of bees, and since I always choose to drink sweet cooldrinks (passion fruit and lemonade), this does nothing to thwart the bees’ invasion of our personal eating space.

Last week, we were affected by a pair of bees, one which unfortunately fell into my drink and drowned. It was an assisted suicide, I’m sorry to admit. I am a bee killer.

The following afternoon, at the same table at the same restaurant, another bee happened upon us, at which point we discussed the merits of drowning versus impalement (via toothpick). This then suggested a possibility (with deft hand control) of mini-crucifixion of the bee.

My colleague then asked, as a matter of grammatical correctness, “Do you say ‘a lunch with crucifixion’, or ‘crucifixion with lunch’?”

To which I replied, “Well, it depends on which will sell more tickets.”

Now, take that question and answer completely out of context. We laughed for about three days after that.

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