I am busy reading an interesting article (see related link) regarding COBOL and its image in the workplace. There are many companies world-wide that still rely on COBOL, and I'm wondering whether it would be worthwhile finding out more about this language.

Windows Vista

This weekend I finalised my laptop's move from Windows to SUSE. XP was due for a rehash anyway (the installation was a year old). I took the 40GB drive out of the machine (it still had the Windows installation on it), replaced it with the 60GB I use in my external USB chassis, and told SUSE it could have all of the 60GB.

A thought

The next UN chief's name is Ban Ki-Moon. Now the United Nations has brought us leaders with very odd names in the past, but here's a thought: am I the only one who sees the words "Bankie Mon" in there, and does he sell weed in little bank bags?