ShutOff 2010 update
I hit a snag with the release of ShutOff 2010, which is pushing the release date into next year. Fortunately, the majority of the work is done. I’m hitting my head against having to support Windows prior to Windows XP.
Officially disguised as a Canadian
I hit a snag with the release of ShutOff 2010, which is pushing the release date into next year. Fortunately, the majority of the work is done. I’m hitting my head against having to support Windows prior to Windows XP.
I’m presently consolidating all my user data from various computers and backups I’ve taken over the past year or so, and am horrified to find that my personal data is almost 100GB in total. Granted, some of this is customer-related, but 100GB is a hell of a lot of data!
I just told the lawyers (see previous entry) that I’d be willing to sell my company to them, including the rights to NCANE.COM and ShutOff 20×0. It’ll cost less than suing me. Let’s see what they say.
In 2004 I created a joint venture with a friend called Intelligent Technology Solutions. Today I got an email from a company who also uses the abbreviation “ITS”, telling me to hand over my domain (at my own cost) to them, and cease use of the trademark. Huh? WTF?
My blog-entry-turned-article, Deep Share: Start The Revolution With Me, has become more relevant now, with Google offering real-time search. We are embarking on a massive paradigm shift in how the Internet is used. This is truly an exciting time to be alive. Add to this the news from various sources that the deep web (a.k.a.Continue reading Deep Share and Real-Time Search
Thanks to the assistance of Hetzner Africa and Internet Solutions, as well as other people with whom I am not acquainted, a local company who sent out a mailshot (which I received more than once and therefore constitutes spam) has been reprimanded. Said company, in one of the many emails between Hetzner, myself and theContinue reading Spammer, be gone!
I am retiring one of my email addresses, because of spam. It was not an easy decision to make, and the ramifications could be dramatic if I’ve forgotten to update some mailing list, somewhere. Good bye,
I read this today on Twitter, and re-tweeting does not give it justice: "I will not sleep until this night eschews the sun in memory of my mother, who toiled and fought for 24 hours to eject the parasitic boarder she had housed for 9 months. And once freed from the burden of childbirth, rejoicedContinue reading Dedication
The first thing you’ll notice is the name: ShutOff 2000. I decided that “ITS ShutOff Professional” didn’t roll off the tongue as easily. Plus, there’s so much branding inherent in the original name, that changing it seemed foolish. I wrote quite extensively on this new .NET version in a recent post, as well as theContinue reading ShutOff 2000 is almost here
Following on from yesterday’s rant is a much shorter note, which holds for software, music and video piracy. I’ve just read an article on TechCrunch today about studios delaying the rental of DVDs for 30 days after their release, which is an interesting read in itself. What jumped out at me is this: If youContinue reading Piracy and You