According to the Google Analytics boys and girls, I've got almost every single country covered on my hit list for, my short URL generator.
Officially disguised as a Canadian
According to the Google Analytics boys and girls, I've got almost every single country covered on my hit list for, my short URL generator.
Breaking news: Paris Hilton has been disinherited!
I won the Oscar award for Best Impersonation of a Telephone Directory last night in the Franklin Festival 2007. My cast of Gillian Klette and Patrick Connolly performed admirably – Patrick even won a special mention and an empty Coke bottle for his troubles.
"Ransom demanded for seamen".
WEEK: 09 – 13 JULY 2007
I'm migrating web hosts soon. Once I've sorted out the virtual domain story with qmail, I'll switch over. Hopefully nothing will be lost in the transfer. I plan to complete this during the month of August.
Bill Flynn, who was the star in "A Funny Thing Happened" which we were due to see tomorrow night, has died. Condolences to the family and loved ones. His talent will be sorely missed.
Zimbabwe: a country in turmoil. Speculation that the Zim dollar would be linked to the SA Rand was denied (thankfully), but the most original response to the problem has been suggested: overthrow the government and take Zimbabwe on as another province of South Africa. It has a rich environment in terms of mineral deposits, mines, farmland, and so forth. It's original and thought-provoking.
We saw "The Lion King" last night at Montecasino's new Teatro theatre. Technically brilliant, with the most awesome props, costumes and set, and some dazzling voices. I recommend it. Pity about the lame audience who insisted on clapping every time a new puppet / model made its way onto the stage. It ruins the atmosphereContinue reading Lion King
Whilst we attempt to completely overhaul the MIS architecture at work, the odd light moment can result in hours of merriment.