What does DMCA stand for?
At risk of annoying some agency in the United States of America, please take the time to read the related link.
Officially disguised as a Canadian
At risk of annoying some agency in the United States of America, please take the time to read the related link.
Check out the related link. Now you can power your electrical devices (up to 40 watts) with a piece of thin plastic. I think that's 'ber-cool.
I read an interesting article on News24 last week (the link for which has been misplaced), that says more kids are killed in South Africa by road accidents than HIV/AIDS. This is more proof that the traffic situation is out of control. I get fined R500 for not seeing a concealed traffic light in anContinue reading Interesting
I spent the weekend watching 'Allo 'Allo and playing Need For Speed. Tomorrow I plan to do much the same. M had to work this morning – we got a call at around 01h45 from a doctor to say "you're the only one on call". Needless to say, it disturbed our sleep.
I've read a lot about the South Korean (I'm not going to give anyone the satisfaction of saying his name – he's not worth it) who gunned down 32 people and then himself.
When I inherited the Ford Fiesta from M, it came with a name: Mildred. I've always chosen my own name for my vehicles. It started with Doris, the gold 1984 Daihatsu Charade, and then Donna, the "true blue" Ford Tracer Tonic. When I got my silver Mercedes, she was named called Dorothy. Unfortunately, she was written off less than a month later, and then I got a white Mercedes which I called Morag.
Almost a whole week since my last post … sorry to the regular readers!
Today I got my laptop back, and it seems to be happy. The replaced fan is a little noisy, but the old dog seems to be quicker than before. I'll stay away from Vista and just use it as my dev box now.
Standard Bank Asset and Vehicle Finance has to be the most useless department of its kind we have ever dealt with.
First National Bank started a competition a couple of years ago offering the chance to win R1 million every month for every R250 you deposited in a non-interest-bearing account. It sounded fishy to me and I never took part.