No update at this time
My website's look and feel is staying as is for the foreseeable future.
Officially disguised as a Canadian
My website's look and feel is staying as is for the foreseeable future.
I stand to be corrected, but I believe "amandla" means "power to the people". Last night, during an episode of Crumbs, the electricity went out in our neighbourhood. It came back on again some time this morning.
I've finally cracked (if you'll excuse the bad computer pun) Rijndael encryption in the new ShutOff 2007. Now the settings are encrypted in memory before touching the Windows Registry. Tr's cool.
My friend Steven has finally updated his website. Check it out on the link to the right.
We just came back from watching The Last Kiss, starring Zach Braff. I didn't enjoy it in terms of the storyline, but it was a good movie. I kept saying "kick him in the balls". Go watch it, you'll understand.
Yesterday was the 30th birthday of a friend (Mike) I haven't seen in almost nine years, though we speak on MSN Messenger quite regularly. Ironically, it's the first time also since I've seen another friend of mine (Michelle) in nine years.
I've finished reading what I thought was just another hijacking article, until the end of the page:
(See related link for source)
NCANE.COM flirted briefly with 3000 active redirected URLs today before I cleaned up the database, recycled old unused links (six months old and zero hit count gets a redirect reused), and banned another few IP address ranges and domains.
Some of you may only know me as the developer of ShutOff 2000. Here's a little history lesson, and an update to the development of the "new" version.