Seen on MSN
(12:50:14 PM) Michael: I am drinking some choice ethiopian atm
Officially disguised as a Canadian
(12:50:14 PM) Michael: I am drinking some choice ethiopian atm
This is a damning report on a person with whom I had extensive business dealings in the past. Some interesting reading indeed. The attachments can be clicked on to view.
Yup, that's today. Tomorrow is Cleavage Day, but I figure today is more important.
I have been told that there is some potentially interesting (i.e. "May you live in interesting times") news being revealed in the not too distant future. I will review this information, and if it is in the public interest, I will publish it on one or more of my websites.
See related link for source.
From Code Project (see related link for source URL):
Fifteen percent of South African school children have been forced to have sex, a study by an international group of epidemiologists based in Canada has revealed, the SABC reported.
An ounce of gold is worth R10 033.58 as of right now. I can almost pay a month of my bond with my gold bar.
Come 22 April 2009, we enter a new phase in South African politics. While it's not as ground breaking as the 1994 election (in which I was a few months too young to vote), it's the end of the honeymoon period of Nelson Mandela and his protégé, Thabo Mbeki. I'm talking about the newest four-letter word: Zuma.
I received this in my email. I cannot vouch for the source, but I support the sentiment. If you are South African and will be at lease 18 years of age on 22 April 2009, I urge you to read this.