Artemis Fowl

I finished the fifth book in the series last night (The Lost Colony) and thought it was the best of the lot. It has been a while since a series of books has taken my attention so completely. I have even been accused (though I shall vehemently deny it) of not holding M at night because I'm too engrossed in an Artemis Fowl book.


GSK has to pay loads of money and has taken out a massive advertising campaign to apologise to consumers. Why? Apparently they lied about the amount of vitamin C in the drink (for instance, claiming that it contained vitamin C).


I did Latin at school. To say I studied it is not entirely accurate. I thought translations were tedious and completely irrelevant, and spent my time learning about ancient Roman culture instead.

Avoiding ‘flu

I think it's time we reclaimed the word "influenza", because it sounds a whole lot scarier than "'flu". My thinking behind that philosophy is based on the fact that we're about to face another respiratory infection pandemic like SARS (the virus, not the tax department). And, quite frankly, influenza is scary. 5% of the human population died in the Spanish 'flu pandemic (around 50 – 100 million people), and 20% were infected, between 1918 – 1920.