Road Accident Fund for the poor
Our Finance Minister, Trevor Manuel, has pretty much stated that the Road Accident Fund should not pay out anyone who has a medical aid, if they are involved in an accident.
Officially disguised as a Canadian
Our Finance Minister, Trevor Manuel, has pretty much stated that the Road Accident Fund should not pay out anyone who has a medical aid, if they are involved in an accident.
This is lifted from The English-to-American Dictionary, located at
All Chuck Norris facts are now in the Canonical List of Chuck Norris Facts.
I work with a software engineer who was born in Bulgaria. I say it this way, as he took offence once when I referred to him as "the Bulgarian". Anyway, we have created a tradition of having lunch together quite often, and during these lunches, we discuss many and varied topics of conversation.
Maybe I've fallen for all the conspiracy talk, and maybe I've watched the Terminator movies too often, but I've been keeping my eye on developments from Google since they went public and their stock price went through the roof, and I'm officially worried. Until last week, I was just uneasy.
1) Big Brother Nigeria: do we care? Well, no, because we already have Nigerians living in this country, traditionally associated with drug dealing and trafficking. Plus, MTN (one of only three cellular providers in this country) dumped us and ran for the Nigerian market, which apparently has four times the population of SA. Is that including or excluding the illegal Nigerian immigrants? The real question on everyone's (well, my) lips is: can we start voting Nigerians out of Ponte with one phonecall to DStv?
Since its beta launch on 3 February, has notched up 196 URLs. I'm pleased with the uptake considering I've done zero advertising outside of my website.
I am very tired today. I slept enough hours, but I guess the weekend took its toll. I worked all day on Saturday at the office to get an important synchronisation tool upgraded.
Just an aside that I had to share with the world. Earlier today, after my optometrist appointment, I was walking back to my car in an underground parking lot (the open air free parking was full). I walked down the trolley (“shopping cart” for the American readers) ramp and noticed an old guy in frontContinue reading Trolley Fun