This image was produced using Kid Pix (by Craig Hickman), on the PCE.js Mac Plus emulator running Mac OS System 7 (by James Friend). It’s my art, so if you use it, please attribute it correctly.
Officially disguised as a Canadian
This image was produced using Kid Pix (by Craig Hickman), on the PCE.js Mac Plus emulator running Mac OS System 7 (by James Friend). It’s my art, so if you use it, please attribute it correctly.
Edit 2024-07-05: Yikes. This is reposted without permission from Neil Gaiman’s Journal, from an entry titled “in the wee small hours of the morning” (7 June 2006): Hi Neil, I’ve been a fan of your work for awhile now and I just came across your site. I’ve had this nagging question, about authors, stuck inContinue reading “The art isn’t the artist” – Neil Gaiman
I have no archive of my old websites. What you see here today is the result of many (many!) years of iteration and improvement. Ten years ago, on 12 October 2003 I attempted to get the search engines of the world to link back here, by listing the old URLs where my website has lived.Continue reading Redirecting the Internet
I have been forced to retire due to the incredible amount of spam that it receives. While most of this ends up safely in my spam folder, eliminating the address will stop almost 600 spam emails a week from existing. If you want to send me email, don’t do it on that address 🙂Continue reading Retiring an email address
M and I went to South Africa last week because his father died on Friday 6 September. We found flights on the same day and arrived on the Saturday. As funerals go, it was fine, and the rest of the week involved a lot of admin and paperwork. We returned to Canada yesterday, to giveContinue reading Ringing out from our blue heavens
Almost three years to the day, we are going to be back in the city that never eats apples in bed, or however that song goes. We’ll be back on Monday.
I’m sporting a new coat of paint on, thanks to Scott Smith and Decode, his port of Underscores. Scott is one of the amazing people I’ve interacted with on ADN. I like this theme because it renders quickly, and I don’t need to worry about a separate mobile UI.
The Setup On 9 July 2013, I became aware of a problem with my email. I use OS X on my primary machine, which is usually running the latest beta of everything. I run beta software so that you don’t have to. My primary mail client on OS X is Mail, the one that’s includedContinue reading Recovering Apple Mail
We managed to avoid the flood. Our house is on a hill. The storm that brought the flood was intense, reminiscent of Johannesburg, but will more water. The Zoo had to fire most of their workforce and they’re losing hundreds of thousands of dollars per day. Support them. Visit and clickety on the donateContinue reading Calgary flood
I’ve been in and out of the AirCast for the last week or so. When I did break three bones in my foot and thought it was a sprain, M bought me a cane. This very same cane came in handy now, since I’m off crutches. I always imagined an old man waving his woodenContinue reading “Get off my lawn”