The happiest couple!
Deaf and blind, communicating by touch – they must be the happiest people in the world. Granted, they're a little old so images of marshmallows and parking meters come to mind, but still!
Officially disguised as a Canadian
Deaf and blind, communicating by touch – they must be the happiest people in the world. Granted, they're a little old so images of marshmallows and parking meters come to mind, but still!
I was christened "Randolph". New research (see related link) shows that some people associate faces with names based on features. So, for example, a Bob would have a rounder face. Very interesting. People tell me I don't look like a Randolph. If I don't, then who do I look like?
Popular theory says you get crushed and stay in the middle until the end of the universe, because the gravity is too strong.
That noise you hear is the sound of someone trying to get newspaper headlines by stating the obvious. Apparently, this being 2007 and all, it's been found that there was "flawed" evidence in the JFK assassination, which was almost 44 years ago.
I know it sounds crazy, but I believe that saying "thank you" just once a day will make you get used to it enough to say it automatically after a little while. People like to be thanked for things. Even if it becomes automatic, you'll start believing that you're grateful, which in turn will makeContinue reading Say “thank you”
Microsoft last week said that Linux and various other open source goodies infringe on a number of patents they happen to own. Novell users are exempt from this. Red Hat isn't. Huh?
Yeehaw! Them thar Rednex be for sale, for $1.5m. Check out the related link. If you do buy them, please let them know I referred you.
My quote of the week goes to the Weekly Newsletter of
I discovered today that a colleague's brother has just been diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome, at the age of 22. Sadly, he sounds like someone that hasn't been able to make something out of his life, and is reliant on his family.