I did Latin at school. To say I studied it is not entirely accurate. I thought translations were tedious and completely irrelevant, and spent my time learning about ancient Roman culture instead.
Officially disguised as a Canadian
I did Latin at school. To say I studied it is not entirely accurate. I thought translations were tedious and completely irrelevant, and spent my time learning about ancient Roman culture instead.
I think it's time we reclaimed the word "influenza", because it sounds a whole lot scarier than "'flu". My thinking behind that philosophy is based on the fact that we're about to face another respiratory infection pandemic like SARS (the virus, not the tax department). And, quite frankly, influenza is scary. 5% of the human population died in the Spanish 'flu pandemic (around 50 – 100 million people), and 20% were infected, between 1918 – 1920.
45 days in prison for being stupid. I really like that. I think more people should go to jail for being thick. Sure, we'd have massive overcrowding in American prisons, but at least the clever ones could get things done instead of writing shit about non-celebrities like Paris Hilton … oh, wait …
The Democratic Alliance, ruled for the past eight years by Tony Leon, is currently in a two-day congress to elect a new leader. I hope aunty Helen wins. She's the white man's answer to aunty Patty.
This is a verbatim quote from the related link:
The Lotto was suspended six weeks ago after Uthingo's licence ran out. To this date, despite noises assurances from government that a new operator would be licenced by now, nothing has happened.
A friend of mine from Queen's College whom I met in Standard Six (1990) and then again at Parktown Boys' High in (I think?) 1993 has re-established contact after almost 13 years.
See related link.