A state of mind
As someeon with Asperger's Syndrome and aware of my shortcomings, one thing I've noticed again and again is my inability to see things from a perspective other than my own. They call it "theory of mind" in the degree I'm studying.
Officially disguised as a Canadian
As someeon with Asperger's Syndrome and aware of my shortcomings, one thing I've noticed again and again is my inability to see things from a perspective other than my own. They call it "theory of mind" in the degree I'm studying.
This week I took the plunge, aided in part by the offer to pay 50% by my better half, to get the new Microsoft Action Pack. He has been wanting to put Windows Vista on his machine since we downloaded the beta last year (and helped bring the Internet to its knees).
Sentech has increased download limits from today on all packages. We've moved from 3GB to 5GB. Pleasant surprise. Telkom was almost becoming a competitive alternative.
Last year I acted in a one-act play called Bar and Ger, which has just been nominated for a Naledi award. I'm indifferent because our director has decided to take a sabbatical. I think it's cool though, since it's the first production I've ever done that was part of a festival, and first time toContinue reading Naledi nomination
select ceiling(cast(replace(ltrim(rtrim(replace(substring([Text], 7, patindex('% %', substring([Text],7,20))), 'FEE', ''))), ',', '') as float)) as DBTranAmt
Forgot to mention this in my last post:
Phew, it's been a while since I posted!
I've found out why my blog hasn't been showing comments on the right – it's because of file permissions in the configuration folder. It should be sorted now!
We have Chinese neighbours, and we're convinced that she beats him up. Every night, without fail, they shout at each other. If we don't hear them, we know that they're not home. Their bathroom is directly opposite mine, with a narrow passage running between buildings, so if their window is open, we can hear them quite well.
I see the minimum requirements for Windows Vista include a CD-ROM drive, but I was under the impression that it comes on DVD.