
New theme

I’m sporting a new coat of paint on, thanks to Scott Smith and Decode, his port of Underscores. Scott is one of the amazing people I’ve interacted with on ADN. I like this theme because it renders quickly, and I don’t need to worry about a separate mobile UI.

Casting off

My foot cast is coming off tomorrow, thank goodness. No idea if I’ll get a new one, but the doctor said eight weeks ago that I’d be in the air cast (boot) for another few weeks at least. I can live with that if it means walking without crutches.

70-465 – Designing Database Solutions for Microsoft SQL Server 2012

I failed by one or possibly two questions. My downfall is the multiple option questions, where you have to pick more than one possible answer. I remember exactly which questions lost it for me. I can rewrite earliest in two weeks, according to what I read. Still, I have MCSA! It’s not all for nothing.