
SQL Server 2017 Administration Inside Out

(Originally posted on my technical blog.) For the last six months or so, I have been helping some really smart people put words on paper, both the physical and electronic kind, which is hopefully going to culminate in an actual technical book that I can point to and say “Yes, that’s the name I inventedContinue reading SQL Server 2017 Administration Inside Out

Office 2016: You’re connected to too many services

Recently I started seeing the above annoying error message every time I opened up Outlook 2016 on my MacBook, but only after being prompted for my passwords for every single email account I had. This is tedious with two connected accounts. I have five. A quick search led me to a thread on Microsoft Answers, withContinue reading Office 2016: You’re connected to too many services

Air gaps and secure networks

I am a person with many interests. In one conversation, I’ll introduce myself as a new filmmaker. In another, I’m a seasoned theatre actor. Sometimes I give talks on Microsoft’s data platform products, SQL Server and Azure SQL Database. There’s another strong field of interest I have, which I don’t speak much about, and that’s informationContinue reading Air gaps and secure networks