SQL Server 2017 Administration Inside Out

(Originally posted on my technical blog.) For the last six months or so, I have been helping some really smart people put words on paper, both the physical and electronic kind, which is hopefully going to culminate in an actual technical book that I can point to and say “Yes, that’s the name I inventedContinue reading SQL Server 2017 Administration Inside Out

We Didn’t Start 2016

(With apologies to Billy Joel.) Carrie Fisher, Leonard Cohen, Arquette, Geordie Howe George Michael, Nancy Reagan, Phife Dawg, Zydeco Garry Shandling, Garry Marshall, Rob Ford, Ron Glass David Bowie, John Glenn, Wilder, Castro Prince Rogers Nelson, “Freaky” Leon Haywood Zsa Zsa, Henderson, Ricky Harris, Harper Lee David Smyrl, Caldwell, “Wizard of Woo” Worrell, Green andContinue reading We Didn’t Start 2016