And the award goes to …
On Academy Awards, the Bronze Star Medal and the Order of Leopold.
Officially disguised as a Canadian
On Academy Awards, the Bronze Star Medal and the Order of Leopold.
So I replaced the hard drive in an iMac today.
For a few days now, my Mac has been asking me to give permission to Google Chrome to use the passwords in my Keychain. I couldn’t figure it out until I realised Chrome was updated to 6.0.472.33 (beta, of course). Now it makes sense. Kudos to Google for keeping security in mind.
I’ve recently become the proud owner of a 27″ iMac, with the i5 quad core processor and 8GB RAM. It’s faster than stink, and I love it. Unfortunately, my background does not permit me a full move to Mac OS X, because I have written several applications for Windows, and I must support SQL ServerContinue reading Why not to overthink a problem
Cash Cab Canada’s Worst Driver Canada’s Worst Handyman Disclaimers before shows, and after adverts The adverts.
So I lied. A few other things have happened in the last couple of months. I’ve released a third beta for ShutOff 2010, and new versions of the Password Generator 2010, Simple Lotto Number Generator 2010, and the ShutOff 20×0 registry cleaner. Simple HexConverter 2010 is also almost ready for release. Yes, I sold outContinue reading Ok, I lied
Not much to say. Sorry for my readers (all three of you). So much has happened, and yet not much has happened. It’s the same as when you catch up with an old friend and find out that apart from that big piece of news, they are the same person. So for the record, ourContinue reading Still alive!
I’m writing this in our new home of Lloydminster, on the border of Alberta and Saskatchewan. Facebook friends have seen photos and read updates, but I haven’t had the time to actually write up something here. Also, I forgot that I have this blog … So, Canada. Why Lloydminster of all places? What about Vancouver?Continue reading O Canada
I’ve decided to take my short URL generator and make it open-source. This is for a number of reasons, but I think primarily because I’m emigrating, and sometimes you need to just let things go. ShutOff 2000’s code will also become open source when I release ShutOff 2010 (that’s a long story – don’t ask).Continue reading NCANE.COM going open source
As the founder of the Smiters of Iniquity, I hereby smite all spammers. Yesterday, and I were targeted by spammers, where a spam email went out to (I expect) thousands of people, purporting to be from me (including my personal details from public DNS records), and a short URL generated by An over-eagerContinue reading I smite thee, spammers