
What I did on my day off (Part 1)

Yesterday I took a day of annual leave to sort out some issues pertaining to our upcoming emigration. Stage 1: Renewal of Driver’s Licence Card I woke up earlier (7am) than usual (8am), so that I could be at the Randburg Licencing Department to renew my driver’s licence card. It expires in August 2010, whichContinue reading What I did on my day off (Part 1)

Danny Glover is an obliviot

Once upon a time, I referred to obliviots as “tomcruises”, because Tom Cruise exemplified the term when he jumped on Oprah’s couch, said he would eat the placenta, and then backed out. They might all have been called “dannyglovers” if he had eaten the placenta. Anyway, Danny Glover is almost as ignorant as Pat Robertson.Continue reading Danny Glover is an obliviot

Another Simple PHP Blog converted

Tonight, I completed a second conversion of someone else’s Simple PHP Blog to WordPress. As regular readers know, I developed a C# Windows app to do this for myself, last year. However it is certainly not production-ready, so two separate websites had to be assisted manually with the conversion. Their common issue is that theyContinue reading Another Simple PHP Blog converted

‘Verified’ By Visa? Surely you mean ‘Violated’?

Tonight I tried to buy tickets to a show. Some bloke called Jeremy Clarkson and a few of his mates are coming back for a fourth time to Johannesburg, and it’s the last chance we’ll get to see them for the foreseeable future. I tried seven times to buy those tickets. SEVEN TIMES. If VerifiedContinue reading ‘Verified’ By Visa? Surely you mean ‘Violated’?