I’ve taken a break from Twitter for a while. This means unfollowing everyone. I am using Twitter Lists, though, so I am keeping track of events as they occur. I have opened up my Direct Messages, and will respond to DMs (following the golden rule, of course).
Books To Read This Winter
Warren Ellis (the British author, not the Australian musician, though both have immaculate beards) asked his friends to recommend one book to read this winter. I recommend subscribing to his Orbital Operations weekly newsletter. I asked a bunch of friends for the name of one book they planned to read this winter. I am delightedContinue reading Books To Read This Winter
New Host
I’ve recently moved this website to a new hosting provider. Let me know in the comments, or on Twitter at @rabryst, if you see any weird stuff happening.
What Would You Do?
Many years ago, my family was on holiday at a cottage owned by an uncle. It was a seaside cottage, with no electricity. Light was provided by paraffin lamps, and cooking was done with bottled gas plugged into a gas oven. One evening, my brother and I, both recovering from chicken pox, were comparing ourContinue reading What Would You Do?
What to do at PASS Summit 2016
(Originally posted on my SQL Server blog.) Next week, while blog posts are scheduled as expected, I will be attending my third PASS Summit. Summit 2014 In my first year, I attended every single event I could. The Monday night started with Steve Jones’ regular Networking Dinner. When I arrived, there were already over a hundred people there,Continue reading What to do at PASS Summit 2016
14 August
Two vastly different reasons for remembering the date today, and both have resonance. 14 August 1989: (Picture credit: Alex Jay on Twitter, but I’m not sure where he got it from, because it’s a photo of a frame from a public television broadcast.) State President PW Botha, the second-last apartheid-era leader of South Africa, theContinue reading 14 August
Theatre, film, web series and voice acting updates
I’ve been remiss in keeping my followers up to date on what’s happening this year. In the beginning of the year I worked on a student film called Joy To The World, in which I played the boss of a Mall Santa agency, which refuses to hire the actual Santa Claus, because his résumé isn’tContinue reading Theatre, film, web series and voice acting updates
I just checked, and I’m still autistic
I obsess about it sometimes, and worry that I’m regressing. I read about how meltdowns and shutdowns with a short recovery period could lead to permanent loss of skills, so I obsess some more. I scratch my skin and obsess that it won’t heal. I walk into things (oh, so many things) and have bruisesContinue reading I just checked, and I’m still autistic
The real value of 70 percent
I wrote previously about an expensive experience with In-App Purchases (IAP) running rampant, to the tune of almost four hundred dollars. This follow-up contains some good news. As part of the conflict resolution protocol, Apple’s customer service representative, known only as Az, was very quick to offer assistance. My mother-in-law didn’t respond to his originalContinue reading The real value of 70 percent
Back on stage again with Run For Your Wife
Two years after playing the lead in a theatre production of Move Over, Mrs Markham, I am happy to announce that I have been cast in a supporting role in Run For Your Wife, also produced by Morpheus Theatre. When I auditioned, I specifically asked for a smaller role, due to the time commitment andContinue reading Back on stage again with Run For Your Wife